Identifying the Need for Hospitalization

Understanding Behavioral Health for Adolescents

In today’s fast-paced world, the mental well-being of our youth is more important than ever. Colorado Behavioral Health, with its dedication to treating a wide range of emotional, behavioral, and co-occurring disorders, places significant emphasis on understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by adolescents. With a thoughtful approach to behavioral health for adolescents hospitalization Colorado Springs, we aim to provide a beacon of hope and a path to recovery for young individuals and their families navigating the complexities of mental health issues.

Identifying the Need for Hospitalization

Recognizing when an adolescent may require hospitalization for behavioral health concerns is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. At Colorado Behavioral Health, we encounter a range of signs that indicate a young person may benefit from our specialized inpatient care, including severe mood swings, dangerous behavior towards themselves or others, and signs of psychosis such as hallucinations or delusions. Our approach to behavioral health for adolescents hospitalization Colorado Springs is grounded in compassion and understanding, ensuring that each adolescent’s unique needs are met with the utmost care and professionalism.

Our Approach to Treatment

Multidisciplinary Team

Our treatment model is centered around a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and nurses. This team collaborates closely to develop and implement individualized treatment plans that address not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of the adolescent’s mental health challenges.

Evidence-Based Therapies

We employ a variety of evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). These therapies have been proven effective in treating a wide range of behavioral health issues in adolescents, from anxiety and depression to more complex co-occurring disorders.

Importance of Family Involvement

At Colorado Behavioral Health, we believe in the critical role that families play in the recovery process. Our treatment programs include family therapy and support groups that facilitate healing and rebuilding of relationships. We empower parents and guardians with the knowledge and tools they need to support their adolescent’s journey to wellness.

Transitioning from Hospitalization

The transition from inpatient care to home or a less intensive level of care is a vital phase in the treatment process. Our team ensures a smooth transition by providing comprehensive discharge planning, including recommendations for outpatient therapy, community resources, and follow-up care.

A Reflection from Our Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is hearing the stories of resilience and recovery from the adolescents and families we serve. For instance, a family recently shared their journey with their daughter’s struggle with severe anxiety and depression. Her time in our behavioral health for adolescents hospitalization Colorado Springs program not only stabilized her acute symptoms but also equipped the family with the understanding and strategies to support her continued progress at home.

Our Commitment to Adolescents’ Well-being

We at Colorado Behavioral Health remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate care to adolescents facing behavioral health challenges. With a focus on holistic recovery, we strive to support each adolescent in achieving not just symptom relief but lasting wellness and a fulfilling life beyond our care.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know is struggling and may benefit from behavioral health for adolescents hospitalization Colorado Springs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to provide information, support, and guidance on the path to recovery. Call us today at (888) 850-8111 to learn more about our programs and how we can help.

Transitioning from Hospitalization

How do you identify the need for hospitalization in adolescents battling behavioral health issues?

Identifying the need for hospitalization in adolescents with behavioral health challenges involves a keen observation of certain alarming signs. These can range from severe mood swings, exhibiting dangerous behaviors towards themselves or others, to experiencing psychosis symptoms like hallucinations or delusions. It’s critical to approach this with empathy, understanding that these signs are cries for help rather than personal failings of the young individual. At Colorado Behavioral Health, we’ve seen firsthand how early intervention with these symptoms can significantly alter the course of recovery, emphasizing the need for timely and compassionate care.

What sets your approach to treatment apart in adolescent behavioral health care?

Our approach at Colorado Behavioral Health is truly multidisciplinary, blending the expertise of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and nurses to craft personalized treatment plans. This coalition of perspectives ensures that we’re addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of an adolescent’s struggles. Utilizing evidence-based therapies like CBT, DBT, and ACT, we’re equipped to handle a wide array of behavioral health issues. What really sets us apart, though, is our belief in the power of family involvement in the healing process. By integrating family therapy and support groups, we not only aid the adolescent’s recovery but also fortify the family unit, arming it with resilience and understanding.

Why is family involvement crucial in the recovery process of adolescents?

Family involvement is not just beneficial but crucial in the recovery process of adolescents facing behavioral health challenges. This approach stems from the understanding that mental health conditions don’t exist in a vacuum — they affect and are affected by family dynamics. Our family therapy and support groups serve as pivotal platforms for healing and rebuilding relationships. Empowering parents and guardians with knowledge and strategies is akin to laying a strong foundation for the adolescent’s ongoing journey to wellness. This collaborative effort fosters a supportive environment that is essential for sustainable recovery.

How do you ensure a smooth transition from hospitalization to home or less intensive care?

The transition from inpatient care to home or a less intensive level of care is carefully orchestrated to support sustained recovery. This involves comprehensive discharge planning, tailored to each individual’s unique needs, and includes recommendations for outpatient therapy, community resources, and follow-up care. Our goal is to ensure that this transition is not a leap into the unknown but a guided step towards independence and resilience. By providing ongoing support and clear directions for both the adolescents and their families, we aim to mitigate the risk of relapse and reinforce the progress made during hospitalization.

Can you share a success story from your program?

While confidentiality and respect for our clients’ privacy remain paramount, we can share a composite reflection of success stories that exemplify the journey of recovery. One such story involves a young girl grappling with severe anxiety and depression, conditions that shadowed her potential and strained family relationships. Through her stay with us, not only were we able to stabilize her acute symptoms, but we also equipped her and her family with strategies for managing her anxiety and depression at home. Witnessing her transformation from a state of despair to one of hope, and seeing her family move from confusion to understanding and support, encapsulates the essence of our mission at Colorado Behavioral Health. These stories are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of compassionate care.

What is your commitment to adolescents’ well-being beyond the hospital setting?

At Colorado Behavioral Health, our commitment to adolescents’ well-being extends far beyond the confines of our hospital settings. We aim to be a lifelong partner in their journey to mental wellness, offering continued support through our outpatient programs and community resources. Beyond symptom relief, our focus is on enabling every young individual to lead a fulfilling life, equipped with the coping skills and resilience to navigate future challenges. Our alumni program is a testament to this ongoing commitment, providing a nurturing network that encourages sustained recovery, personal growth, and well-being.

How can someone get started with your services?

Starting with our services is a straightforward process that begins with a simple phone call to our team at (888) 850-8111. During this initial contact, we’ll provide all necessary information, answer any questions, and guide individuals through our assessment process to determine the most appropriate level of care. Understanding that each journey is unique, we’re here to offer support, guidance, and compassionate care every step of the way. Whether you’re struggling yourself or concerned for a loved one, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s embark on this path to recovery together.


  • National Institute of Mental Health – The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the leading federal agency for research on mental disorders. Their website provides valuable information on various mental health conditions and treatment options.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA is a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. Their website offers resources for individuals and families seeking help.
  • American Psychiatric Association – The American Psychiatric Association is a professional organization representing psychiatrists in the United States. Their website includes information on mental health issues, treatment approaches, and finding a psychiatrist.